The Ombudsman’s work in 2020 was marked by the COVID-19 situation and a relatively large number of complaints, among other things. This is evident from the newly published Annual Report.
‘COVID-19 has taken up a lot of space in 2020 – also here at the Ombudsman Office and at the authorities within our competence,’ says Parliamentary Ombudsman Niels Fenger.
Due to COVID-19, the Ombudsman Office has been compelled to carry out monitoring visits by virtual or partially virtual means, among other things. Several investigations have also been marked by the unusual year. For example, the Ombudsman has observed the health authorities’ case processing times in access to files cases on an ongoing basis. In several instances, the Ombudsman has expressed concern that journalists and others have to wait too long for a reply about access to files.
The Annual Report also shows that the Ombudsman Office for two consecutive years has received an increasing number of complaints. With a total of 5,707 complaints, the Ombudsman Office has not in any previous year received so many complaints and processed so many cases. This happens after a period of years with a stable number of enquiries and is spread out widely on various case areas.
Read the Parliamentary Ombudsman’s Annual Report for 2020 here.
Further information:
Director of International relations, Klavs Kinnerup Hede,